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The keys to making your digital marketing campaigns a success

By July 17, 2019November 30th, 2021No Comments
The keys to successful digital marketing campaigns

Discover the keys to successful digital marketing campaigns

As the Internet has become ubiquitous on a daily basis, launching online marketing campaigns is now essential to reach its customers and prospects and promote its business. However, for the communication operation to be remarkable amidst the innumerable solicitations received by prospects and customers, it must respect a few prerequisites.

Pilot a coherent and effective digital marketing campaign

A digital marketing campaign, if done well, can have a huge impact on the target audience. It is important to lock up your online communication as much as possible before it is broadcast to maximize your chances of success. A steering committee can be set up to validate the various stages of the digital marketing campaign, from its conception to its implementation, without forgetting the collection and analysis of the results.

Build your buyer persona

The first step, perhaps the most important step in the process, is to determine the target of the digital marketing campaign. Who is she talking to ? The buyer persona, that is, the ideal typical customer, should be defined. The reflection focuses on key points that can better target its communication and define its digital strategy. Who is the buyer persona? How does it consume? How old is he ? What are his habits, his interests? How to make visible to him? …

Benchmark analysis

Learning from competitors is also a determining factor. Knowing who is present in their segment is of course important, as is the knowledge of the products and services of the competition. It is a question of differentiating oneself from the competitors, to be able to highlight its strong points. Beyond the inevitable vigil industry players, it is to analyze their own digital strategies to know how they communicate, who they target and with what results. This collection of useful information makes it possible to refine one’s own strategy, relying on successes and not reproducing any mistakes made by competitors.

Define your message according to the target

Depending on whether it is a new customer acquisition strategy or consolidating its existing portfolio, the message will be quite different. We are not addressing a prospect as a customer. Just as we do not use the same communication codes according to the age group or the CSP. The message is therefore to be defined according to the target, hence the importance of thinking carefully about the purpose of the digital communication campaign and working on the profile of the buyer persona.

Lead a SEM strategy: be present on all fronts

Being visible on the web involves deploying an SEO strategy. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) ask to place the keywords used by your targets in your communications, including the tags Hn, meta, meta-title. It is also a question of determining the communication channels to be used depending on the expected impact. The question of the relevance of such or such social networks or of an adwords campaign which ensures a high visibility on the most used search engine is essential. The power of a targeted emailing is not to be underestimated, as well as the rich sms.

Acquisition strategy and analysis of the conversion tunnel

The successful digital marketing campaign must generate qualified and actionable leads. It is important to analyze the process of reflection that the prospect engages before succumbing to your marketing arguments, in other words to better understand the conversion tunnel. Ideally, it is a question of starting from the existing communication to analyze it and to determine the strengths and the shortcomings to be filled. This reflection directs the future marketing campaign when the means to implement, the arguments to be deployed and the objectives to be achieved.

Direct marketing strategy and email marketing

Even if some have buried it a little fast, marketing emailing is not without interest. Under conditions however. Direct marketing needs a strategy, which is nothing more than a part of the digital marketing strategy. The emailing must be targeted, relevant, qualitative, and respect a certain timing. A point of vigilance remains to be observed in relation to the GDPR.

A digital marketing campaign can not be improvised. It must be the subject of a real communication strategy, with a vigilant steering committee at each stage useful for its successful implementation and guaranteeing the achievement of the objectives set.


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