The term “employee engagement” is often quoted in the English or French press as well as by human resources consultants. And like all concepts that are used all-out, it does not escape the rule and can sometimes lose its meaning. This is why we take the challenge here to concretely explain the ideas behind the concept of employee engagement.
What is employee engagement?
First, let’s start by giving a definition of the concept and sweeping some prefabricated ideas.
The commitment of employees to work is the feeling of belonging to a company, an economic and human entity and having the feeling of being a responsible person in the service of his company.
The concept could therefore explain why an employee does not go to work in order to receive a salary or to have a professional stability but rather for the active purpose of responding to the mission entrusted to him.
Commitment of employees does not rhyme with satisfaction
The level of satisfaction of an employee is evaluated according to his personal criteria concerning his quality of life in a company. However, an employee can be satisfied with his working conditions without feeling a personal commitment to his company.
Commitment is not happiness at work
An employee has the right to feel happy on his workstation without judging himself as a committed person. For example, he has the opportunity to enjoy some benefits such as restaurant vouchers, access to the gym, without feeling a flourishing for his personal work in business.
We will then agree that the commitment of employees or the commitment of employees is based on a complex notion of the mere idea of satisfaction happiness in the business world.
Why set up an engagement process?
An employee engagement approach improves communication between the individual and his company, between the employee and his partners. This approach also gives the employee confidence in his work.
In return, it will show better availability or even more assiduity towards the company.
Studies conducted by the American giant Google have shown that a company that expresses a real interest in employees and who takes care of their well-being, has teams more involved and more effective than others.
Development of the engagement strategy
The development of an employee engagement strategy can be entrusted to management or to managers.
Improve employee engagement through relationships
The employee is a sociable and social animal. However, it is clear that in the world of work, he remains too little encouraged to develop his relations with other members of his team.
So, the first thing to do is to motivate and encourage employees to establish direct links between them.
Improve employee engagement by promoting recognition
If you are a manager, this should be automatic: you must always reward after a successful project, the people who are involved in the smooth running of the process. Personal recognition and even more public recognition with a double advantage: it brings a maximum of recognition and makes the employee want to aim even higher.
Internal Communication
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Internal Communication
Radically change the way you communicate internally and survey your teams regularly and easily.