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Good practices for well-being at work

By July 24, 2019December 1st, 2021No Comments
Good practices for the well-being of your employees at work

Burn-out, stress, overwork, chronic fatigue are real plagues for the productivity of your business. Conversely, employee fulfillment and well-being at work are positive levers that enhance relationships by actively participating in the growth of your business. So together, let’s see how your business can change the game and bring its employees well-being and happiness to work.

Stretching, meditation and yoga at work

Yoga, stretching, meditation are activities that require little material. They are easy to put in place and the benefits are indisputable.


Working for a long time in front of a screen, the back bent and the locked neck ends sooner or later with a backache and muscle aches. The numbers speak for themselves: 30% of men and 35% of women complain of muscle pain mainly because of their posture at work.

Good news, it suffices most of the time of some daily stretching to relax all its muscle fibers close to the break. And in addition it’s great for morale.


Meditation is great to be happy. Practiced in groups, it also helps to create a friendly and peaceful atmosphere.


Yoga is certainly the flagship activity for well-being at work. From the first sessions, he:

  • Decrease stress
  • Improve concentration
  • Help to trust
  • Soothes back and body pains in general

Yoga in the workplace is also an ideal physical activity to strengthen the links between your employees and employees.

Workspace layout

Here, the idea is to customize your workspace. The approach is simple to implement and requires few resources. You can decorate the office space with plants, put pictures or stickers on the walls and even spread soft music.

Workspaces must be designed to improve the well-being of your employees at work.

Feel at home

A too austere workspace discourages and can demoralize. In 2019, the home-working is in vogue and puts an end to the offices too formatted and exaggeratedly standardized.

This tendency is to transform a work piece into a room that could look like your room for example. Ideal for bringing tranquility, comfort and finally well-being at work.

Good to know: The home-working is not just a decorative touch. In fact, everything that is good to feel like at home is validated: work without shoes, bring a small pet, come with some personal items …

Napping for productivity enhancement

In China, the nap is a real national sport. All employees without exception practice it. In France, it is too often synonymous with laziness. Yet its effects on productivity are real.

And if for the fall, you allow your colleagues to take a nap by offering them a relaxation area?


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