Here is a new case of use of our solution, which tells the story of the omnisport federation of the ASPTT.
Founded in 1898, it now has 220 sports clubs and 200,000 members, making it the first federation of sports clubs in France.
The distance between the Federation and its clubs as well as the structural organization based mainly on volunteering cause some difficulties in the dissemination of information internally.
We have accompanied them in the optimization of their news, we invite you to continue reading and thus to discover the testimony of Rafael Llanes, in charge of digital communication of the ASPTT that we thank for his collaboration!
Customer Case
ASPTT has multiplied by 5 the rate
of reading of its internal newsletter
Internal Communication
Radically change the way you communicate internally and survey your teams regularly and easily.
Internal Communication
Radically change the way you communicate internally and survey your teams regularly and easily.