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Employee Advocacy

5 keys to developing an employee engagement survey

By July 22, 2019December 1st, 2021No Comments
5 keys to developing an employee engagement survey

Discover the 5 keys to developing an employee engagement survey

One of the keys to a successful business is employee motivation. The more they are involved in their missions, the better the results. To find out how much employees are invested in their work and with their employer, the best measurement tool is the engagement survey. How to create a relevant employee engagement survey that reflects the real climate within the company? The 5 keys to success.

Make the difference between employee engagement and employee satisfaction

Collaborative engagement and employee satisfaction are closely linked. However, the collaborative engagement has a more complete approach to the employee’s state of mind.

Employee satisfaction at work is a part of employee engagement. But it goes further and also assesses the extent to which employees are motivated by the achievement of the objectives that are set in the achievement of their missions. Because an employee can be satisfied without being fully engaged in his missions on a daily basis.

Although the units of measurement of the degree of employee involvement sometimes remain subjective, all employee engagement surveys have a common basis for measuring the corporate spirit: the dynamics instilled by the company’s management and the hierarchy; the estimated degree of utility of the missions entrusted; career development prospects; the image of the company perceived by the employee; interactions with other collaborators.

Define the goals of the engagement strategy

Like any business strategy, the engagement strategy must meet clear, precise, dated, achievable but ambitious goals. For the engagement strategy to be successful, it is important to set goals and weight them.

As such, the Employee Engagement Survey is a tool that helps to identify and prioritize objectives, to carry out the right actions and to achieve success.

The engagement survey must therefore be carefully prepared because the information gathered is valuable to the company, provided that it is able to exploit it.

Select topics to study from your surveys

The involvement of employees in their business depends on many factors. If suspicions hover over a specific point, then it is possible to direct the survey to it to be fixed and able to act accordingly.

However, it is common for the glaring aspects to hide deeper concerns, which are not detectable at first sight. A more generic survey makes it possible to estimate several data of the engagement factor. This global vision of employee engagement at the moment is therefore of great interest. This watch may be the prelude to a more accurate survey, depending on the responses obtained.

Define a dedicated action plan

The engagement survey is part of an action plan, the engagement strategy. Being interviewed sends a strong message to the employees surveyed. For the operation to be successful, it is important that they understand the interest of the process.

Launching an employee engagement survey also requires being willing to accept any results. For the survey to be useful, the data collected must be analyzed and followed by action. These will probably be expected by the employees surveyed. It is therefore important to communicate well before and after the survey.

Conducting regular surveys is necessary to measure the impact of decisions made. The action plan must therefore be defined in the long term.

Support strategy and measure employee engagement

It is necessary to accompany the strategy so that it is a success and that your employees become employee advocacy, in other words employee ambassadors.

Communication is an essential factor in the success of such a project. The measure of the collaborating commitment must be carried out regularly, because it gives an indication at the moment t and can evolve rapidly, under the impulsion of the decisions taken internally, but also because of external factors like for example the competition, the economic situation or the job market.

Employees engaged in their missions and their businesses are more fulfilled and their results are affected. An emulation is created internally, leading the company to success. It is therefore essential to regularly measure this variable, using an employee engagement survey.


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