Well-being at work has become a major concern in the corporate world. Productivity and employee loyalty, attractiveness of the company from an HR point of view, fight against absenteeism, results, brand image among customers increasingly sensitive to social issues in the world of work … the challenges related to Quality of Life at Work (QVT) are important.
Create a well-being environment at work
Well-being at work is worked on a daily basis. If employees arrive with their own personalities, skills and motivation, the social climate is also the result of a dynamic given by the company.
Several levers are available to the employer to create a pleasant and appropriate work environment.
The condition of the premises and the equipment made available to employees contributes to their feelings. The number of hours spent at work is substantial, so working in a healthy and pleasant environment, well equipped, fits directly into the QVT.
Creating an entrepreneurial spirit, a sense of belonging, is also an important factor in well-being at work. Having collaborators who know each other and who understand the ins and outs of each other’s missions makes it possible to create favorable internal competition, both for collective objectives and for individual objectives.
QVT also involves the employees’ feelings, the degree of consideration that they perceive of their hierarchy with regard to their work and their person. Tools such as surveys, satisfaction surveys, actions to prevent psychosocial risks, etc. can be deployed in this direction.
A coherent internal strategy
Given the challenges and the extent of the data that enter into the concept of professional well-being, it is a real internal policy that must be carried out in the company with regard to the Quality of Life at Work.
This policy takes the form of an action plan, steered by management, but whose actors are multiple and at all hierarchical levels.
It is up to the managers to define the course to follow, the guiding principle of the various actions, the schedule. Directors and managers will give impetus to their teams, propose an appropriate internal organization. They must also know how to feel and listen to their employees, and make feedback in the field with fairness and impartiality so that the permanent search for improvement in QWL remains coherent and achievable.
The or the HRD plays a central role in the QVT, since it is the human being who is at the heart of the project.
Each employee becomes a full-fledged player, whose feelings and proposals nourish the necessary choices and trade-offs linked to internal policy.
To collect the needs and expectations of each other and identify priority areas for work, the establishment of a CHSCT (Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee) can be beneficial. It is also an obligation in companies with a workforce of at least 50 employees.
Committed and fulfilled employees
To feel good in their work, an employee must feel consideration. The remuneration contributes in part, but also takes into account career prospects, his integration into the company, his sense of belonging, the network that he manages to create internally, with his colleagues, the autonomy which he can enjoy in his work, the possibilities offered to him to express himself … He must also have the feeling of carrying out his mission in the best conditions, environmental, material and safe.
Each employee will have their own criteria and their own level of weighting of these. Harmony must be born despite its differences. The deployment of QVT’s internal policy is therefore a specific task, which requires constant monitoring and great responsiveness.
But these efforts and these investments in time, in man and in material are beneficial to the company since a collaborator fulfilled professionally is more productive.
He is also inclined to become an ambassador collaborator, to talk about his work and his company, spontaneously and voluntarily ensuring the best promotion with his network, relaying the employer brand and thus arousing notoriety and interest with new potential collaborators and prospects. It is a virtuous circle that can be put in place.
Human management 3.0
The management method plays a key role in the morale of employees at work. Their expectations in this area have changed a lot, which has resulted in management 3.0.
The vertical hierarchical organization is increasingly outdated, abandoned in favor of a horizontal model where the roles of each remain clearly defined but where each becomes force of proposal. Team spirit is at the heart of concerns, and collective emulation must lead everyone to surpass themselves and achieve their individual goals.
Management 3.0 is based on trust and internal communication. Employees enjoy greater autonomy in carrying out their missions. In connection with this dynamic, new organizations are emerging in certain companies, such as teleworking.
Employees must find themselves in this style of management to feel good at work. Their investment and their benevolent state of mind are also essential to this feeling.
Slow management
Infernal cadences generate stress, which in excess becomes counterproductive. The direction of the companies understood it well and gives way from now on to slow management in their search for QVT.
Slow management requires flexibility in working hours. It is for employees to come to a better balance between personal and professional life.
Slow management is also refocusing on the essentials. Tasks are simplified as much as possible, and time-consuming or accessory tasks are delegated, hence the importance of team spirit.
Professional well-being requires recognition of individual and collective successes. By dividing your work into several tasks, progress can be more easily measured and successes linked together, boosting motivation.
The Quality of Life at Work benefits the company and its employees. It is the result of a shared vision of the company, where everyone becomes a player in the brand’s own atmosphere and identity.
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Internal Communication
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