In order for employees to do their best work, they need to feel comfortable and fulfilled within their company.
It is thanks to this desire to change the vision of work as a “chore” that the concept of happy management or happiness in the workplace was born. Coming straight from the United States, happy management has become a major issue, synonymous with maximised productivity and performance.
But what is it?
Born in the heart of Silicon Valley and initiated by American start-ups, happy management is a response to harmful working conditions and mistreatment of employees, revealing suffering and a certain professional exhaustion. More and more democratised in France, it pays more attention today to the human aspect than to the “robot work” aspect.
Its principle is simple: to advocate the well-being of the work team, so that everyone feels at ease and in their place whatever their role in the company. The implementation of happy management can involve many different actions: ensuring good internal communication, organising pleasant work spaces, understanding and listening to each other, strengthening team cohesion with activities/events… The list is long! Above all, happy management consists of creating a friendly working atmosphere that is conducive to the development of each individual.
What are the benefits of happy management?
First and foremost, happy management has an obvious and significant impact on employee morale. The main objective of this concept is to stop seeing work as a burden to be borne. On the contrary, going to work every morning motivated and enjoying one’s tasks in an environment in which one feels good makes all the difference. A happy employee will naturally invest more in his work and participate positively in the dynamics of his company. In the end, it is an exchange of good practices between the employee, who evolves in a professional climate adapted to his or her needs, and the company, which reaps the benefits of this well-being: increased productivity and quality work.
The birth of new professions
This trend towards happiness in the workplace has already convinced many companies, which have even gone so far as to create new jobs linked to this concept. For example, there is the job of “Chief Happiness Officer” (CHO) or “Happiness Manager”, which translates into General Manager/Happiness Manager. Although these names may seem rather naive, the Chief Happiness Officer or Happiness Manager are very serious positions. Their objective is to implement solutions and systems to ensure the well-being of employees in the company. In order to carry out his or her missions, the CHO must ensure that the social link between the work team is developed, by putting in place various actions. Therefore, the CHO must have interpersonal skills, listening and understanding skills, but also analytical and observational skills.
Our happiness tips
Organise regular events: to encourage and strengthen team cohesion, nothing is more effective than sharing special moments together. Breakfast every morning as a team, meetings and brainstorming on Mondays, themed evenings, aperitifs and restaurants on important dates, nature and mountain seminars… The choice is wide, it’s up to you to be creative!
Take the time to talk to each employee: highlighting collective work and team spirit is good, but taking care of each employee individually is just as important. In order for each employee to feel at home and understood within the company, it is necessary to take the time to talk to them, to encourage them, congratulate them or find solutions to their problems. Why not offer regular coffee breaks in small groups to get together and communicate more easily!
Encourage initiative-taking and listening: understanding employees depends above all on appropriate communication, through which everyone can express themselves freely and give their opinion without fear. To encourage initiative, why not set up an “ideas box”, where everyone can share their impressions and remarks, and suggest improvements? Or you can always opt for the we advocacy solution, with its survey system that provides real-time feedback!
Would you like to become a “Happiness Manager”?
Internal Communication
Radically change the way you communicate internally and survey your teams regularly and easily.
Internal Communication
Radically change the way you communicate internally and survey your teams regularly and easily.