We interviewed Carole, CEO of Kannelle, a video solution accessible to all employees. Kannelle’s customers use the solution for employee advocacy projects. We explain why!
We Advocacy: Hi Carole, can you tell us about Kannelle?
Kannelle is the video solution that allows all employees to make videos in only 15 minutes in only 3 steps:
– The choice of scenario: users can choose from a large library of templates (employee engagement, training, internal communication) or create their own scenarios.
– Video capture: film directly in the Kannelle app thanks to the real-time help and never be short of inspiration thanks to the tips and ideas provided.
– Intelligent automatic editing: in a few seconds, the editing is done and integrates all the graphic elements of the company (font, colors, music, logo) as well as the subtitles.
The Kannelle solution is very easy to use and allows all employees to become autonomous on the subject of video, without having special skills.
We Advocacy: How can video be an asset for employee advocacy?
We know: employees are the best spokespersons for a company because they are in the best position to talk about it. But beyond talking about the company from a commercial point of view, it is important today to let them express themselves and testify about what they like to do, their passions in the company but also in their personal life. Customers and prospects are attracted by authenticity: we must encourage the spontaneity of employees. This is why letting them create their own videos is the key to a successful employee advocacy strategy. The company shows that it trusts its employees but also that they are an integral part of the internal and external communication strategy. Indeed, it shows an authentic image to customers and prospects.
However, certain rules must be respected for quality corporate videos.
The communication department must therefore guide and supervise the production of videos so that they are successful and qualitative!
We Advocacy: How do you use video for employee advocacy at Kannelle?
We believe that every employee deserves to be highlighted on these subjects, whether they are professional or personal… We have produced a video in which each of our employees was filmed at home, during a day of telecommuting. It was a good way to get news, to discover each person’s environment, their passions while showing an image of a united company to customers.
We Advocacy: Do you have a client case to share with us?
In the real estate sector, our client Bedin conducts many interviews with employees.
They share their experience within the company.
The videos are posted on LinkedIn to feed their external communication. The employees become real ambassadors and feel like real actors of the company’s success.
We have just conducted a webinar with them on the subject that you can find in replay.
We Advocacy: Can you tell us why Kannelle and We Advocacy are complementary?
Our two solutions help boost employee engagement as well as internal and external communication. We know that dozens of emails are exchanged every day internally and externally. This is even more true when working from home. It is therefore essential to personalize your emails and to capture attention. Thus, putting a banner in the mail, with a video for example, allows to engage the collaborators and the prospects.
Internal Communication
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Internal Communication
Radically change the way you communicate internally and survey your teams regularly and easily.