The health crisis of 2020 had more than visible effects on the organization of the work of companies. Companies have had to adapt by setting up new organizations. They have favored remote work, or telework. Work has entered a new era. Today we must learn to manage and collaborate remotely!
The keys to managing your teams remotely
Remote management usually requires some adjustments. You have to be able to count on the commitment of employees to carry out business missions. Here are some keys to maintaining employee engagement and optimizing teleworking.
Establish a clear operating framework
Managing your teams remotely is a real challenge, but it can significantly impact employee productivity and engagement. For this new organization to function, it is above all necessary to establish a clear and shared operating framework. This requires the establishment of simple operating rules, team rituals, reports and specific objectives. Here, remote management must rely heavily on employee engagement and internal communication.
Adapt to remote management
The manager must adapt his management style to favor trust in employees and promote their autonomy. Sharing good practices and regular feedback are perfect remote management tools. It can be interesting to get feedback through surveys and employee polls. All in a way that suggests areas for improvement and solutions.
Maintain good internal communication
In a company, internal communication remains essential for the manager, and for the proper functioning of the team. It is necessary to maintain the momentum of the team. Also, the manager must fight against isolation by favoring direct exchanges and taking regular news. Communication is the key to the success of teleworking and remote management. It is also essential to maintain employee engagement.
Develop the interdependence of the team
Interdependent work sometimes requires more than just internal communication. We must succeed in perpetuating the feeling of belonging of the company’s employees. This notably involves the creation of sub-groups or work pairs. But also by the regular gathering of the whole team. This is done in order to share the results, the successes and the vision of the team.
The employee experience of tomorrow: teleworking and its challenges
Teleworking has changed the habits of millions of employees around the world. Remote working can be an experience that sustains employee engagement, or it can be daunting for employees. Structured and properly managed, teleworking unlocks the potential for improved performance. It can also improve well-being at work for many. The employee experience is therefore improved.
The link between employee engagement and productivity
The engagement of company employees has a significant impact on productivity at work. Indeed, employee engagement is linked to a number of elements. These include business results and the productivity of team members. In other words, engaged employees are more productive than their disengaged counterparts, and the difference is very clear. The management of remote work determines the level of employee engagement. Managed well, teleworking can increase team engagement.
Involving employees and ensuring their commitment also means ensuring their well-being at work and their QWL (quality of life at work). In addition, in teleworking, employees do not encounter the usual productivity killers: unwanted interruptions, discussions … With this experience, the remote worker demonstrates levels of burnout that are significantly lower than those of other employees.
Flexibility in the workplace: considerable advantages of QVT
Business leaders who want to increase the performance of their company without increasing costs can offer more flexibility to company employees. This requires knowing how to structure and manage them. Workers seem to thrive when they have the opportunity to work from home, partially or totally. Engaged workers who enjoy flexibility in their workplace experience improved well-being. Even if they have to work more hours each week.
For employees, teleworking means unique challenges and opportunities. In addition, it allows optimal management of working time. Employees benefit from increased adaptability in terms of private / professional life.
To conclude
Maintaining the link and managing your teams by teleworking is essential during times of crisis, but not only. The experiences and surveys of employee ambassadors are very telling. They demonstrate that remote work can improve the well-being of employees at work. But also their productivity. In certain branches of activity or certain sectors, keeping homeworkers can have more than positive consequences on company performance.
Internal Communication
Radically change the way you communicate internally and survey your teams regularly and easily.
Internal Communication
Radically change the way you communicate internally and survey your teams regularly and easily.